Individual.jl is a Julia package for specifying and simulating individual-based models (IBMs), using applied category theory. The package relies on Catlab.jl, especially attributed C-Sets to create schemas which can represent a broad class of IBMs useful for epidemiology, ecology, and the computational social sciences. It is inspired by the R software individual.
For tutorials on how to use the software, see the examples:
- start by reading a basic SIR model tutorial here
- read about using event scheduling for events which occur after a non-Geometric delay with an SIR model using event scheduling here
- learn how to extend the types in Individual.jl with additional attributes, via a SIR model with age-structure here
The API reference contains information about objects and functions available to users.
Individual.jl uses ACSets based on schemas to provide data structures well-suited for individual-based models. Every schema has the objects Person
and State
, and a morphism from people to states, and may have additional objects and morphisms as required to implement additional functionality, such as event scheduling. ACSets are the data structures that turn these rather abstract schemas into useful tools for computing with, and each schema in Individual.jl comes with an associated ACSet type so that methods can be written for a type hierarchy. For more information about ACSets, please see the paper "Categorical Data Structures for Technical Computing" and the AlgebraicJulia blog.
Each time step follows a specific order of computation to build consistent models. First, functions called processes are run, which take the current time step as an argument. These may query state, and queue state updates or schedule events, but cannot update state. Next (if being used) events are processed, meaning any event whose delay is currently 0
is "fired", and a set of associated functions called event listeners is called for the set of persons experiencing that event. Much like processes, event listeners can queue state updates and schedule future events. Next, the delay on all events is decremented by one. Finally, all queued state updates are applied.
The simulation loop ensures that models in Individual.jl follow a synchronous updating scheme (i.e. all state is updated simultaneously at the end of a time step).
Another framework for individual-based modeling in Julia is Agents.jl. You might prefer to use that package if your model assumes a continuous space, or a lattice grid, and also if you want to use the advanced visualization and app-generation tools in that package. You might prefer to use Individual.jl if your model considers space as a network or metapopulation (if it explicitly includes space at all), or if you would like to take advantage of the ACSet data type for your simulations.
Please see the contribution guide here.
Individual.jl is written and maintained by Sean L. Wu (@slwu89).
We acknowledge help and advice from Sophie Libkind and Evan Patterson regarding use of Catlab's ACSets.